报告题目:Optical and Electrical Co-Simulation of Silicon
Photonics Devices
Many critical components in silicon photonics are
optoelectronic devices involve both optics and electronics. To design such
devices, both optical and electronic simulation are needed. For the first time,
Synopsys ha integrated seamlessly RSoft optical tools with Sentaurus TCAD tools
so that designers can perform both simulations on the same platform
conveniently without any manual data transfer from one package to the other. In
the talk, two most important silicon photonics devices, modulator and detector
will be presented as the examples to demonstrate the complete design flow.
Chenglin Xu is currently the RSoft Product Manager of Synopsys
in New York, USA.
Before joining Synopsys, he was an Optical Design Engineer of
JDS Uniphase (95-96), a Research Assistant Professor of University of Waterloo
(97-99), and the Chief Scientist and co-founder of Apollo Photonics, Inc.
(97-04), a Professor of Shandong University (05-06) and a Senior Application
Engineer of RSoft Design Group (07-12),
which was acquired by Synopsys in 2012.
Chenglin Xu earned his BS and MS degrees in Optics from Tianjin
University, Tianjin, China in 1985 and 1988, and Ph.D. degree in Electrical
Engineering from University of Waterloo, Canada in 1994.
许成林博士现任Synopsys RSoft产品经理。在加入Synopsys之前,他曾任职JDS Uniphase的光学设计工程师(95-96),滑铁卢大学的研究助理教授(97-99),加拿大Apollo Photonics公司的首席科学家及创始人之一(97-04),必赢线路检测3003特聘教授(05-06)和北京交通大学兼职教授(04-07),及RSoft Design Group(2012年被Synopsys收购)的高级工程师(07-12)。