学术报告预告:Realistic Cooperative MIMOChannel Models for B4G







In this talk, challenges incooperative multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless channel modelling willfirst be reviewed. Then,a novel unified channel model framework is proposed for cooperative MIMO wireless channels. The proposed model framework is generic and adaptable to multiple cooperative MIMO scenarios by simply adjusting key model parameters. Based on the proposed model framework and using a typical cooperative MIMO communication environment as an example, we derive a novel geometry-based stochastic model (GBSM) applicable to multiple wireless propagation scenarios. The proposed GBSM is the first cooperative MIMO channel model that has the ability to investigate the impact of the local scattering density (LSD) on channel characteristics. From the derived GBSM, the corresponding multi-link spatial correlation functions are derived and numerically analyzed in detail. The talk will end with discussing future challenges in MIMO channel models.



Biography: Cheng-Xiang Wang received the BSc and MEng degrees in communication and information systems fromShandong University,Shandong, P. R. China, in 1997 and 2000, respectively, and the PhD degree in wireless communications fromAalborgUniversity,Aalborg,Denmark, in 2004.

He has been withHeriot-WattUniversity,Edinburgh,UK since 2005, first as a Lecturer, then as a Reader in 2009, and then was promoted to a Professor in Wireless Communications in 2011. He is also an Honorary Fellow of the University of Edinburgh, UK, a Chair Professor ofShandongUniversity, and a Guest Professor of Huazhong University of Science andTechnology,China. He was a Research Fellow at the University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway, from 2001-2005, a Visiting Researcher at Siemens AG-Mobile Phones, Munich, Germany, in 2004, and a Research Assistant at Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg, Germany, from 2000-2001. His current research interests include wireless channel modelling and simulation, green communications, cognitive radio networks, vehicular communication networks, cooperative (relay) MIMO communications, and (beyond) 4G wireless communications. He has edited 1 book and published 1 book chapter and over 150 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings. He is leading several projects funded by the EPSRC, Mobile VCE, and industries including the large-scale RCUK-funded “UK-China Science Bridges: R&D on (B)4G Wireless Mobile Communications.”

Prof. Wang served or is serving as an Editor for 6 international journals including IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (2011-now) and IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2007-2009). He was the leading Guest Editor for IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Vehicular Communications and Networks. He is also a Guest Editor for IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue onSpectrum and Energy Efficient Design of Wireless Communication Networks. He served or is serving as a TPC member, TPC Chair, and General Chair for more than 60 international conferences. He received the Best Paper Awards from IEEE Globecom 2010 and IEEE ICCT 2011. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE, a Fellow of the IET, a Fellow of the HEA, and a member ofEPSRCPeerReviewCollege.

发布人:       最后修改日期: 2012-05-03 18:18:25.0
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