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 ReportFiber Optics and Holography

ReporterFrancis T. S. Yu


ReportNeural Networks and Education

ReporterLucy C. Yu 


The abstract of Fiber Optics and Holography:

Most of the fiber optics applications are centered at the TEMPORAL domain application, as applied to communication and sensing, and they are rarely exploiting the SPATIAL content for signal transmission and detection. We shall in this talk to show by the application of holographic technique, the spatial domain of an optical fiber can be utilized for information transmission and for sensing.  Sample examples such as; spatial information transmission through fiber using holographic phase-conjugator, fiber specklegram sensor, tunable filter,  true-time delay lines, and application to phase array antennas will be described.


The abstract of Neural Networks and Education:

To cope with the current rapid advances of science and Technology, we may have to educate our students differently than ever before. The fact is that, the brain (or neural net) that we have inherited is not designed to behave like a computer; otherwise we won’t develop the computer. As we have experienced, the more we try to remember the more we cannot remember. Therefore one should not encourage remembering too much, otherwise one would waste one’s effort.  In order to achieve the quality of education, we need to exploit the natural ability of our neural net. Quality of education comes from two major aspects: namely, teaching and learning effectiveness. To achieve these goals, we should use more and more the innovative teaching & learning process. For example, we should provide the learners with simple but significant concepts. And the learners should prepare to accept them using their associative & cognitive learning ability. In this talk, profound relationships between education and neural networks will be discussed and demonstrated. 


   杨振寰(Francis T. S. Yu),光学信息处理专家,美国宾州大学电气工程Evan Pugh名誉教授长期在美国宾夕法尼亚(Pennsylvania)州立大学的电气工程系任教授,并任多家工业部门与政府实验室的顾问。杨振寰教授是光学信号处理,全息术,信息光学,光学计算,神经网络,光折射光学,光纤传感器与光子器件等领域的专家,已发表了500多篇论文,其中有300多篇被引用。已出版9本专著,其中6部已被译为中文、俄文、西班牙文和朝鲜文。

     lucy cha教授于1981在美国密歇根大学获得老年医学博士学位,并于同年在美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学任教,担任该校公共健康与管理学教授一职。lucy cha教授主要针对健康和功能状况、心理压力、老年人群生活质量进行研究,其研究成果在很多专业刊物上进行发表。  




发布人:       最后修改日期: 2012-06-04 20:04:40.0
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