学术预告:Integrated photonics series(9.26上午10点)

题目:  Integrated photonics series: Commercial high-index contrast optical circuits

报告人:Dr. Brent E. Little
时间地点:9月26日10:00AM  信息学院北楼 一楼会议室
邀请人:黄卫平教授 院长


Continual growth in Telecommunications has driven the development of new technologies that deliver improved systems performance while simultaneously reducing the cost per bit. Among the most forward technologies are VLSI-like photonic circuits that incorporate high index contrast materials for miniaturization, coupled with conventional CMOS tool sets for high volume fabrication. Long in the research and development phase, these technologies are now seeing commercial deployment. We highlight one particular passive high-index contrast platform, Hydex, and give examples of its use in optical systems.



Dr. Brent E. Little, Electrical  Engineer.  Dr. Little received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from The University of Waterloo, Canada in 1994. Subsequently, Dr. Little spent five years as a Research Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a Research Faculty member at the University of Maryland College Park and at MIT, and has held research positions at Nortel Networks and Fujitsu Labs in Japan. In 2000, Dr. Little Founded Little Optics Inc., and served as its President and Chief Technology Officer. Over a five year period at Little Optics Dr. Little raised $25 million in venture funding. Little Optics pioneered commercial high-index contrast optical circuits for dense integration of optical components. In 2005 Little Optics was acquired by Infinera Corp.  Dr. Little has more than 50 patents, and has authored or co-authored more than 150 publications and conference presentations.


发布人:       最后修改日期: 2013-09-25 14:30:29.0
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