德国乌尔姆大学教授Martin Bossert来信息学院授课

         97928期间,德国乌尔姆大学教授Martin Bossert来必赢线路检测3003为通信与信号相关专业的研究生讲授信息论相关课程,信息学院袁东风教授主持授课,学院部分师生参加听课。

    本次授课内容主要涉及三个方面,一是生物信息论,简单的回顾随机过程和预备数学知识等信息论基础知识,然后介绍了信息论在生物DNA领域的应用;二是信道编码译码理论,介绍了重要的编译码方法如BCH码,Algebra Channel Coding, Reed-Solomon CodesConvolutional CodesFeedback and ARQ;三是压缩感知理论,详细讲解了压缩感知的基本理论,以及压缩感知理论在信道编码中的应用。最后,Martin Bossert教授以口语考试的新方式对学生听课情况进行了考查。

        Martin Bossert教授以自己独特的教学方式、生动幽默的语言讲授深奥的信息理论,每次授课过程中,Bossert教授都会与在座师生互动交流,积极引导学生发现问题并展开激烈讨论。课余时间,Bossert教授亲自与每一位研究生讨论学术问题,耐心解答同学在科研中遇到的问题。授课结束后Bossert与部分师生进行讨论,教授耐心回答师生关心的问题,整个现场气氛热烈融洽,Bossert教授的精彩授课得到了同学们和老师的高度评价,其对研究生阶段的学习和研究具有重要的指导意义。

Biography of Prof. Martin Bossert:

Martin Bossert is a Fellow of IEEE. He received his Dipl.-Ing. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Karlsruhe, Germany in 1981, and the Ph.D. from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany in 1987. After a one-year DFG scholarshipat Linköeping University, Sweden. He joined AEG Mobile Communication, where he was, among others, involved in the specification and development of the GSM system. Since 1993 he is a Professor at the University of Ulm, Germany, presently as director of the Institute of Telecommunications and Applied Information Theory. He is author of several textbooks and his research interests are in reliable and secure data transmission. The main focus is on decoding with reliability information of algebraic codes and coded modulation. Another research area is information theory in molecular biology.



发布人:       最后修改日期: 2013-09-30 08:37:13.0
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