学术预告:Enhancing optical fibres and self-assembled microfibres for sensing

Reporter: Professor John Canning (SPIE Fellow)

Topic: Enhancing optical fibres and self-assembled microfibres for sensing

Time: 15:00—17:00, Oct. 10, 2013

Venue: 信息学院北楼一楼会议室



   Prof. John Canning is currently an Australian Research Council (ARC) Professorial Future Fellow and Head of the interdisciplinary Photonics Laboratories (iPL) at The University of Sydney. He is also Conjoint Professor at the University of NSW and an SPIE Fellow. He was a student and founding member of the both the Optical Fibre Technology Centre (OFTC) and the Australian Photonics Cooperative Research Centre (APCRC) and has cofounded four companies as well as assisted in the formation of several others. He has been consultant for a number of companies and individuals over the years, in both commercialisation and intellectual property generation and has worked in Denmark as a Guest professor. He has over 500 peer reviewed journal and conference papers and over 30 patents, is on the organising and technical committee of key conferences in waveguide technologies and sensing (including BGPP, OFS, APOS, OFC and more) and has given numerous invited and plenary talks at these and other events. His current interests include fundamental glass science, photosensitivity, developing optical sensors for harsh environments, lab-in-a-fibre, gratings, controlling silica and stabilising silicate components, fibre amplifier and lasers, novel methods for enhancing sensitivity, surface functionalisation, and the development of self-assembled photonic materials and new devices. He is also a member of The University of Sydney’s Regional and International Committees. 

发布人:       最后修改日期: 2013-10-10 08:37:25.0
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