学术预告:From the UV to the Mid-IR: Lasers at the ILP in Hamburg

报告人Dr. Christian Kränkel
Hamburg University, Group Leader of ILP.
时间:2014 4 9上午9:00
报告题目:From the UV to the Mid-IR: Lasers at the ILP in Hamburg
报告摘要:The progress in materials science still enables groundbreaking new laser concepts capturing new fields in fundamental research and commercial applications. In this presentation I will report on our latest progress in diode pumped solid state lasers based on Pr3+, Yb3+, Ho3+, Tm3+ and Er3+ with emission wavelengths ranging from 260 nm in the UV to 3 μm in the mid-infrared spectral range utilizing innovative pump sources as well as novel host materials.
报告人简介:Christian Kränkel is a junior group leader at Hamburg University. His current research interests cover investigations on the growth and spectroscopy of novel oxide and fluoride host materials for semiconductor-laser-pumped rare-earth doped solid-state lasers from the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared spectral range as well as the application of these materials for continuous wave and mode-locked lasers in different geometries such as thin-disk and waveguide lasers.
发布人:       最后修改日期: 2014-04-08 13:48:20.0
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