学术报告:Laser Techniques in Cell-Microenvironment Interactions

报告题目Laser Techniques in Cell-Microenvironment Interactions

报告人:Bruce Z. Gao, PhD, Department of Bioengineering, Clemson University



报告摘要:The fundamental units of an organism are biological cells, which are involved in the development and maintenance of the hierarchical structures of the organism. Communication between neighboring cells, mediated by physical contact and diffusive signaling, regulate normal cellular functions. The functional characteristics of a single cell are determined by its genetic coding as well as its microenvironment. Due to the extreme complexity of in vivo environments, our understanding of the cellular functions and cell-cell interactions are heavily dependent on cell culture. Numerous studies have demonstrated the importance of cell arrangements for the functions of the cells in culture. To understand the biological mechanisms at cellular level in cell culture, it is necessary to assess the temporospatial interactions of a single cell with its surroundings, including neighboring cells and adjacent extracellular matrix. In this talk, a novel laser cell micromanipulation technique will be described based on the optical force generated by a weakly focused laser beam. Examples of using this technique and a couple of cutting edge laser imaging techniques to explore cell-microenvironment interactions will be discussed.

 报告人简介:Bruce Z. Gao,分别于1985年、1988年获得天津大学物理电子学与光电子学学士学位和应用激光物理硕士学位,于1999年获得迈阿密大学生物医学工程博士学位,随后三年在明尼苏达大学细胞与组织工程学做博士后研究,最近任美国克莱姆森大学生物工程系副教授。他的研究兴趣为细胞之间信号传递机理的研究,为达到目标,其研究主要集中于精密加工、激光光电元件精密控制、基于相干光和非线性光学的3D成像以及多尺度模型,来实现在工程微环境(如生物芯片)下对细胞间相互作用的研究。他最近的研究项目包括:1)用于研究发育期神经毒性的基于单神经元的细胞生物芯片(NIH INBER)2)心源性骨髓干细胞及心肌细胞的电子和机械耦合;3)激光光镊用于不同细胞的快速有效分类;4)相干、非线性光学的3D显微镜。



发布人:       最后修改日期: 2014-05-19 10:22:24.0
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