学术预告—Smart Vehicles for a Smart City

报告题目:Smart Vehicles for a Smart City

报告日期及时间:2015-12-16 10:00-11:00
报告地点: 信息学院(北楼)四楼报告厅
报告人: Prof. Reinhard Klette
Klette教授现任新西兰皇家科学院院士,新西兰奥克兰理工大学教授,机器人与视觉研究中心主任,30年来一直致力于计算机视觉领域的研究,是该领域享誉全球的科学家。2003年,与美国马里兰大学Azriel Rosenfeld教授合作编著首部综合性专著《数字图像几何算法》(Digital Geometry, Morgan Kaufmann出版社)。2006年至今,在基于视觉的辅助驾驶、性能评估和改进视频处理算法(立体匹配和光流)等研究领域做出了杰出贡献。1995年至今,多次应邀作为重要国际学术会议的主讲嘉宾。 2011年4月至2013年10月任JCET(控制工程和技术)期刊创刊主编。2001年至2008年任IEEEPAMI副主编(电子工程领域引用率最高的期刊)。每两年一次的欧洲图像和模式计算机分析国际会议CAIP)指导委员会终身荣誉委员,环太平洋图像和视频技术国际会议(PSIVT)指导委员会委员。执教以来先后指导25名博士生完成学业并顺利毕业。 


The talk reports about two imminent revolutions in the automotive history which will define the on-road traffic in the smart city of the near future. Both revolutions are already starting to happen, and those cities which will prepare for their event will make the best possible use of them. The first revolution is the replacement of the manually steered vehicle by increasingly autonomously driving vehicles while driving on densely populated roads. Examples of goals are here to go towards zero-accident traffic and a more efficient use of existing road systems. Dense and autonomous traffic will reduce the need for additional roads, and avoid traffic jams by ensuring a steady flow of traffic. The second revolution is the replacement of gasoline powered vehicles by electric cars. Electric cars are completely emission free if charged from renewable energy sources; they also drive silent at low speeds, have significantly cheaper running costs, and also significantly cheaper servicing cost. Autonomous driving and electric vehicles will come, earlier or later, and both developments can benefit from smart city infrastructure projects for supporting their introduction. The talk reports about advances towards autonomous driving, and a city-wide study about the introduction of electric cars in Perth, Western Australia. The talk is coauthored by Prof. Thomas Braeunl, The University of Western Australia.
发布人:       最后修改日期: 2015-12-08 11:09:43.0
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