学术预告——佛罗里达大学Yuguang “Michael” Fang教授学术报告

Title: Cognitive Capability Harvesting (CCH): A Collaborative Network Design

Lecturer: Prof. Yuguang “Michael” Fang

Time: 526日(星期五) 下午14:30

Place: 信息学院4楼报告厅




AbstractConnected things in various cyber-physical systems (CPSs) such as IoTs and smart cities enable us to sense physical environments, extract intelligent information, and better regulate physical systems we heavily depend on in our daily life. This has also generated tremendous traffic burden on our existing telecommunications infrastructure, resulting in significant spectrum shortage. Moreover, it has been witnessed that battery-powered devices such as our smart phones tend to deplete their energy much faster than before and this trend will continue if not carefully considering network-wide power consumption. Furthermore, heterogeneity in network technologies and devices and the lack of comprehensive study on interdependency in a system of systems have also caused serious concerns on security and privacy. How to take a holistic approach to carefully examine network-wide issues on spectrum, energy and security is of paramount importance.


In this talk, the speaker will discuss various related problems and challenges in a connected world and then present a novel collaborative network solution to enabling connected things to effectively harvest in-network capability (spectrum, energy, storage, and computing power) in a cognitive fashion to intelligently manage the spectrum efficiency, energy efficiency, and yes, security!


Speaker’s BiographyDr. Yuguang "Michael" Fang received MS degree from Qufu Normal University, Shandong, China in 1987, PhD degree from Case Western Reserve University in 1994 and PhD degree from Boston University in 1997. He was an assistant professor in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at New Jersey Institute of Technology from 1998 to 2000. He then joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Florida in 2000 and has been a full professor since 2005. He held a University of Florida Research Foundation (UFRF) Professorship from 2006 to 2009, a University of Florida Term Professorship from 2017 to 2019, a Changjiang Scholar Chair Professorship with Xidian University from 2008 to 2011 and with Dalian Maritime University since 2016, Overseas Academic Master, Dalian University of Technology since 2016, and a Guest Chair Professorship with Tsinghua University from 2009 to 2012.


Dr. Fang received the US National Science Foundation Career Award in 2001 and the Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award in 2002, 2015 IEEE Communications Society CISTC Technical Recognition Award, 2014 IEEE Communications Society WTC Recognition Award, and multiple Best Paper Awards from IEEE Globecom (2015, 2011 and 2002) and IEEE ICNP (2006). He has also received 2010-2011 UF Doctoral Dissertation Advisor/Mentoring Award, 2011 Florida Blue Key/UF Homecoming Distinguished Faculty Award, and the 2009 UF College of Engineering Faculty Mentoring Award. He has been the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology since 2013, was the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Wireless Communications (2009-2012), and serves/served on several editorial boards of journals including IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (2003-2008, 2011-present), IEEE Transactions on Communications (2000-2011), and IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications (2002-2009). He has been actively participating in conference organizations such as serving as the Technical Program Co-Chair for IEEE INOFOCOM’2014 and the Technical Program Vice-Chair for IEEE INFOCOM'2005. He is a fellow of the IEEE (2008) and a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) (2015).



发布人:       最后修改日期: 2017-05-23 14:33:07.0
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