13th IEEE ICCT Held in Jinan

The 13th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT) was held from Sept. 25 to 28 in Metropark Hotel in Jinan. Vice President of Shandong University, professor Liming Fan, attended the opening ceremony and gave her welcome speech on behalf of Shandong University. Around 200 experts and scholars from more than ten countries and regions, including China, USA, Britain and Germany, attended the conference, 150 scholars presented their papers.

There were five keynote speakers, all of which were worldwide leading experts in the field of communication technologies. In the morning of Sept. 26, former president of IEEE communication society, consultant of CTTC in USA, Professor Stephen B. Weistein (IEEE Life Fellow), gave a keynote speech on topic of “Will wireless multimedia completely replace wired services? Direction for technologies, application, and business opportunities”; Former President of IEEE information theory society, Professor A. J. Han Vinck (IEEE Fellow, Germany Duisburg-Essen University) gave a talk entitled “Coding is more than error correction”; Professor Weihua Zhuang (IEEE Fellow, university of waterloo in Canada) gave a report on the topic of “Vehicular networking: challenges and opportunities”. In the morning of Sept. 27, Dr. Milos Svoboda, head of Siemens Global technology department chief of security, made a keynote presentation entitled “Safety and security in industrial environments”; The last keynote speech was given by Professor Ross Murch (IEEE Fellow) from Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, on the topic of “Challenges in Future Wireless Communication Physical Layers”.

The conference received 393 submissions from 28 countries and regions and 238 papers were accepted. All accepted papers were presented in 28 oral sessions and one poster session. It worth pointing out that there were five special sessions in the 28 oral sessions, like green communications, cross layer design. These special sessions are the most significant features of the conference.

International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT) was founded in 1986 and is now the most famous international conference in the field of communication technology in China. ICCT 2011 was sponsored by the IEEE Beijing Section, China Institute of Communications and Chinese Institute of Electronics, and organized by Shandong University. Next ICCT will be organized by Beijing University of Post Telecommunications (BUPT) in Chengdu. ICCT 2011 was also an important part of academic activities for the 110th ceremony of Shandong University.

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