Lectures delivered by Prof. Martin Bossert from the University of Ulm

During September 7th to September 28th, Martin Bossert, the professor from the University of Ulm , Germay, came to the School  of Information Science and Engineering of Shandong University to make a series of reports. Topics of these lectures were about biology information theory, communication theory, compressed theory and so on, which are all the teachers and students concerned about. Professor Dongfeng Yuan hosted these lectures while several teachers and lots of students were presented.
  The lectures mainly involved three parts. The first part was Bio-information theory and a brief introduction of the random process and preliminaries about mathematics, then foundation of the biology information theory. The second part was the channel coding and decoding theory, including the BCH Codes, Algebra Channel Coding, Reed-Solomon Codes, Summary of Algebraic Decoding, Convolutional Codes, Channel Models, Generalized Code Concatenation and Generalized Error Locating Codes, Concatenation of block codes and iterative decoding, Woven and Turbo Codes, Feedback and ARQ (Incremental Redundancy), Coded Modulation, Space-Time Codes and so on. The third part introduced the Compressed sensing theory, including how to find the sparse matrix and how to use the CS theory in the channel coding filed. At last, the oral examination was given by Prof. Bossert.
  In each lecture, Prof. Bossert always interacted with teachers and students to ensure that the audience could have a good understanding. After the lecture, Prof. Bossert always patiently answered the students’ questions and gave the valuable advice. The atmosphere of these academic lecture was warm and harmonious. His wonderful speech won applause from the teachers and students every time. The lectures had great guiding significance on the studies and research to the postgraduates.

Biography of Prof. Martin Bossert:

Martin Bossert is a Fellow of IEEE. He received his Dipl.-Ing. degree in Electrical Engineering from the Technical University of Karlsruhe, Germany in 1981, and the Ph.D. from the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany in 1987. After a one-year DFG scholarshipat Linköeping University, Sweden. He joined AEG Mobile Communication, where he was, among others, involved in the specification and development of the GSM system. Since 1993 he is a Professor at the University of Ulm, Germany, presently as director of the Institute  of Telecommunications and Applied Information Theory. He is author of several textbooks and his research interests are in reliable and secure data transmission. The main focus is on decoding with reliability information of algebraic codes and coded modulation. Another research area is information theory in molecular biology.

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