Academic reports delivered by Julian Cheng from the University of British Columbia

   During April 13th to May 14th, Julian Cheng, the associate professor from the University of British Columbia, Canada, came to the School of Information Science and Engineering of Shandong University to make a series of reports. Topics of these lectures were about the specifications of publishing IEEE articles, communication theory and so on, which are all the teachers and students concerned about. Professor Piming Ma hosted these reports while several teachers and lots of students were presented.
   The series was consisted of 5 themes: how to write articles with IEEE style, the fundamental concepts of modern wireless communication system, the MIMO technology, MIMO-OFDM technology, and FSO communication system. Actuary these reports mainly involved three parts. The first part was how to write articles with IEEE style and a brief introduction of the random process and preliminaries about mathematics. The second part included cellular concepts, multiple access technology, wireless channel, path loss, shadow, wide sense stationary uncorrelated scattering channel, the classification of multipath fading channel, Jake model, modulation techniques in spread spectrum, diversity techniques and RAKE receiver. MIMO system, asymptotic analysis and hierarchical, maximum ratio transmission, beam forming, diversity multiplexing tradeoff, space-time coding, Alamouti coding, BER analysis of MIMO system, MIMO detection, OFDM, and MIMO-OFDM system were also included. The third part introduced the FSO communication system, including FSO communication using OOK modulation techniques, FSO communication system with varying intensity subcarrier, pointing error problems and coherent optical wireless communication.
   In each report, Doctor Julian always interacted with teachers and students to ensure that the audience could have a good understanding. After the report, Doctor Julian always patiently answered the students’ questions. The atmosphere of these academic reports was warm and harmonious. His wonderful speech won applause from the teachers and students every time. The reports had great guiding significance on the studies and research to the postgraduates.


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