Professor Maryline Hélard gave an academic report in College of ISE

On April 12th, 2013, Professor Maryline Hélard from INSA (National Institute of Applied Sciences) of Rennes visited the School of Information Science and Engineering and gave an academic report titled “From turbo-codes to advanced iterative receivers”.

In this report, Professor Maryline Hélard presented their recent work on advanced iterative receivers .Turbo-code principle is reminded and then extended to advanced iterative receivers, including turbo-equalizers and iterative interference cancellers. Then Professor Maryline Hélard provided some examples including OFDM and MIMO systems.

After the report, Professor Maryline Hélard patiently answered the questions from the audience and exchanged ideas with them. And she was warmly applauded by the listeners.

Professor Maryline Hélard received the M.Sc and PhD degrees from INSA (National Institute of Applied Sciences) of Rennes and the Habilitation degree from Rennes 1 University in 1981, 1884 and 2004 respectively. In 1985, she joined France Telecom Research Laboratory as a research engineer and since 1991 she carried out physical layer studies in the field of digital television and wireless communications. In 2007, she joined INSA as a professor and she is now the co-director of the Communication Department at IETR (Electronics and Telecommunications Institute of Rennes). She is co-author of 22 patents and several papers (Journal and conferences). Her current research interests are in the areas of digital communications such as equalization, synchronization, iterative processing, OFDM, MC-CDMA, channel estimation, and MIMO techniques applied to wireless communications and more recently to wire communications (ADSL, optical). She was involved in several French and European collaborative research projects including digital television, MC-CDMA techniques and time reversal.

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