Professor Gangding Peng visited the School of Information Science and Engineering

Professor Gangding Peng visited the School of Information Science and Engineering between June 25 to July 11, 2012.In the 17 days, Professor Peng gave many classes for our teachers and students,and he also gave five lectures for us.
Professor Peng is the professor of University of new south Wales, Australia. His research work is focused on the optical fiber field, involving many research topics, such as optical fiber communication system, optical fiber sensing system, designing and manufacturing of quartz glass fiber, and so on. In 1992, Professor Peng became the first chinese scholar who achieved Elizabeth II Fellowship Award awarded by Australia science fund committee because of the great research results.
Professor Peng carried out a courses for students, including: fiber optics and optical fiber sensing technology, characteristics and application of rare earth doped fiber and photosensitive polymer fiber, the research of characteristics of rare earth doped fiber amplifier and the laser, the production methods and the research of characteristics of DFB optical fiber laser. At the same time Professor Peng also participated in the experiment research of graduate students, and he himself guided the experiment and academic paper writing of students, which has very great help to our graduate students.
In the 17 days, Professor Peng to gave five academic report for us. In these reports, Professor Peng introduced his research in University of new south Wales, Australia, and he also introduced the optical fiber manufacturing, communication, and other aspects of the world development situation, which has important meaning to our study.
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